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Start Date: 10/16/1942 Clear all

Oldest to Newest

New York Philharmonic

Oct 15, 1944 at 3 PMMain Hall

Roland Hayes, Tenor

Oct 15, 1944 at 8:30 PMMain Hall

Eddie Condon Jazz Concert

Oct 16, 1944 at 8:40 PMMain Hall

Sidney Foster, Piano

Oct 18, 1944 at 8:30 PMMain Hall

New York Philharmonic

Oct 19, 1944 at 8:45 PMMain Hall

New York Philharmonic

Oct 20, 1944 at 2:30 PMMain Hall

Mischa Elman, Violin

Oct 20, 1944 at 8:30 PMMain Hall

New York Philharmonic

Oct 21, 1944 at 8 PMMain Hall

New York Philharmonic

Oct 22, 1944 at 3 PMMain Hall

Constance Connette, Soprano

Oct 22, 1944 at 3 PMChamber Music Hall

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