Event is Live
Presented by Korea Music Foundation and CREDIA music & artists

John Noh, Tenor

Saturday, November 18, 2023 7:30 PM Zankel Hall
John Noh by Jaewon Lee

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Student and Senior Discount Tickets Available at the Box Office


John Noh, Tenor
Jinhee Park, Piano


R. STRAUSS "Ich trage meine Minne," Op. 32, No. 1

R. STRAUSS "Morgen!," Op. 27, No. 4

TOSTI "Ideale"

TOSTI "L’alba separa dalla luce l’ombra"

DUPARC "Chanson triste"

DUPARC "Phidylé"

RACHMANINOFF "The Dream," Op. 8, No. 5

RACHMANINOFF "Believe me not, Friend," Op. 14, No. 7

TRAD. "Down by the Salley Gardens"

TRAD. "Danny Boy"

And Korean art songs

This video content was provided by the presenter.

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