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The B-Side

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The B-Side?

The B-Side is a program for young people that provides an entry-level look at different career opportunities in the music industry. Whether participants are aspiring artists or future music-industry leaders, this program will provide essential industry related skills, and connections with performing artists, music industry executives, accomplished producers, songwriters, and more.

Who can participate in The B-Side?

Young people ages 14–22 who live within New York City.

When is the program?

  • The B-Side will include two sessions: The first session, a weeklong intensive offered during the Winter Break (for ages 14–17) or Spring Break (for ages 18–22). The intensive sessions will be followed by a month-long after-school workshops series.
  • Session #1 (Ages 14–17)
    • Orientation: February 7, 2025 at 5:30 PM–8 PM
    • Intensive: February 17–21, 2025 at 10 AM–4 PM
    • Workshops: Tuesdays and Thursdays from March 4, 2025–April 1, 2025
      • Sessions will be held from 4:30 PM–6:30 PM.
    • Final Event: TBA
  • Session #2 (Ages 18–22)
    • Orientation: April 12, 2025 at 4 PM–6:30 PM
    • Intensive: April 14, 2025–April 17, 2025 at 10 AM–4 PM
    • Workshops: Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 29, 2025–June 5, 2025
      • Sessions will be held from 4:30 PM–6:30 PM.
      • Note there will be no workshops during the week of May 19, 2025.
    • Final Event: June 6, 2025

We may adjust the program dates or times based on program needs.

Where does The B-Side take place?

The B-Side will take place in midtown Manhattan at Carnegie Hall’s Resnick Education Wing (154 West 57th Street, New York, 10019). The B-Side may also include local field trips to record labels, studios, music venues, and other businesses.

Transportation to the program will be provided for all participations.

How do I apply?

Please see the application instructions for more information.

How will my application be evaluated?

Applications will be reviewed by The B-Side staff, facilitators, and music industry executives. Successful applicants will demonstrate their drive to learn about the music industry, willingness to collaborate, and creativity.


Are there any exceptions to the age requirement?

We cannot make any exceptions to the age restrictions. You must be between the ages of 14–22 during the time of your participation in The B-Side.

I do not reside in NYC can I still apply?

No, The B-Side is only open to residents of NYC.

Do I need to be a musician to apply?

No, you do not need to be a musician to apply. The B-Side is open to any young person who is interested in learning about the music industry.

Application Process

How do I apply?

Please see the application instructions for more information.

When is the application open?

The application opens October 1, 2024, and closes December 4, 2024.

When will I hear about the outcome of my application?

The B-Side team will contact applicants via email to inform them of the outcome of their application. Applicants applying for Cohort 1 (ages 14–17) will be notified on January 24, 2025. Applicants applying for Cohort 2 (ages 18–22) will be notified on February 14, 2025.

My video is longer than five minutes. Is that okay?

Please attempt to keep your video under five minutes in length.

My video recording is not high quality. Will this hurt my chances of being selected?

No. We understand that not everyone has the means to provide a high-quality video recording, and our goal is to make this program accessible to all who wish to apply.

Here are some tips to get a high-quality recording:

  • Keep your camera steady: If you are using a phone, try propping it up on a table or using a tripod so you can get a steady recording.
  • Think about sound: Are you speaking clearly into the microphone? Is there a lot of background noise? Make sure our review panelists can hear everything you’re saying.
  • Use good lighting: We want to be able to see your face! Make sure the space you’re recording in has adequate lighting.
  • Frame the shot: Be mindful of what is in the shot. If you are filming yourself speaking, make sure there’s nothing distracting in the background.

What if I don’t have a trusted adult that I can ask to submit a reference letter?

If you don’t have a trusted adult to submit a reference letter on your behalf, you may submit a paragraph explaining why we should select you to participate in The B-Side.

Can my reference be a family member?

We prefer that you select a trusted adult that is not a family member to submit a reference.

Carnegie Corporation of New York
Lead funding for The B-Side is provided by Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Public support for The B-Side is provided by the Speaker of the New York City Council and by the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Additional support for The B-Side is provided by The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation.

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