Workshops and Master Classes Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions

How do I apply for a Workshop or a Master Class?

You will be asked to complete an online form and upload audition material within the workshop or master class application period, which varies based on the dates and nature of the event.

Are there any costs to me associated with Workshops or Master Classes?

All workshops and master classes are tuition-free for invited participants. The application fee for all 2022–2023 workshops and master classes is $20 per application, reflecting only the cost of the service provided by our application platform.

Will Carnegie Hall pay for my travel and hotel during the workshop?

Carnegie Hall provides shared hotel accommodations and a travel stipend to all participants who do not maintain a residence in the New York City area. Please see the workshop details page for further information on the stipend offered for your workshop.

What forms of payment are accepted for the application fee?

Before completing your online application, you are required to pay the $20 fee using a major credit card.

What do I do if the application requires letters of recommendation?

As part of the online application, you will be asked to provide an email address for each of your recommenders. After you submit your completed application, each recommender will be sent a link to a confidential online recommendation form. You may, if preferable, have recommenders send their letters separately. If submitting by mail, please have the recommender include “Recommendation for [your name]: [name of workshop]” on the outside of the envelope and address to

Artist Training Programs, Weill Music Institute
c/o Carnegie Hall
881 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019

If submitting by email ( please have the recommender write “Recommendation for [your name]: [name of workshop]” in the subject line.

May I apply to participate in Workshops and Master Classes even if I fall outside the 18–35 age range?

The workshops and master classes are designed to serve the needs of emerging professionals. If you believe you fit that description but do not fall into the specified age range, you are welcome to apply. We will review your submission but cannot guarantee your application will be successful.

What kind of coaching can I expect during a workshop or master class?

Please visit our online Master Class Resources to see excerpts from a range of past workshops.

SongStudio and Joyce DiDonato Master Classes

What are the application requirements and what is the fee?

Please visit the SongStudio and Joyce DiDonato Master Classes workshop pages for specific application requirements.

All materials will be submitted electronically through Acceptd, a service that provides a digital audition platform to many performing arts schools and programs. As part of the application, you will be asked to enter e-mail addresses for your recommenders—two are required, a third is optional. They will receive a link to an online recommendation form after you submit your completed application. Please note that this e-mail will be sent directly from Acceptd (not Carnegie Hall).

A $20 application fee is required at the time you submit your application.

Invited participants are expected to arrive in New York City the day before the workshop begins and depart the day after it concludes. Shared hotel accommodation is provided on that basis. Expenses of up to $600 (North America) and $1,200 (International) will be reimbursed to each participant (including collaborative pianists invited together with a vocalist) traveling from outside the New York City area.

Lead support for workshops and master classes is provided by Beatrice Santo Domingo.

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