Space Muses in Chicagoland
Hosted by Ytasha Womack
Ytasha L. Womack discusses Afrofuturism as community and explore the ideas that informed Afrofuturist creators during the Black Arts Movement with Yaoundé Olu, Turtel Onli, and Floyd Webb.
Available wherever you get your podcasts.
This podcast was inspired by Carnegie Hall’s 2022 citywide Afrofuturism Festival. To learn about the festival, view highlights, and explore additional resources, go to carnegiehall.org/Afrofuturism
This podcast is produced by OP! Miller and Abhita Austin.
The Afrofuturism festival and this podcast are made possible with support from the Howard Gilman Foundation, Bank of America, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation.
Explore More
Explore the multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature of Afrofuturism through this limited-series podcast. All episodes are available now!
Meet the Afrofuturism Curatorial Council: Ytasha L. Womack
Ytasha L. Womack is one of the leading Afrofuturism experts Carnegie Hall brought together to help create the Afrofuturism festival.