The Andrew Carnegie Society
The Andrew Carnegie Society honors donors who have made leadership gifts to support the restoration, renovation and expansion of Carnegie Hall, and to augment the endowment and other special funds in support of artistic programming and music education.
Founder’s Circle
Lifetime giving of $100,000,000 or more
City of New York
Joan and Sanford I. Weill / The Weill Family Foundation
Campaign Gifts for Capital, Endowment, and Special Projects
$25,000,000 or more
Blavatnik Family Foundation
City of New York
Fund II Foundation
Hope and Robert F. Smith
Judy and Arthur Zankel
Estate of Arthur Zankel
$15,000,000 to $24,999,999
Ronald O. Perelman Family Foundation
Beatrice Santo Domingo
$10,000,000 to $14,999,999
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation
Marina Kellen French Foundation
Bruce and Suzie Kovner
The Kovner Foundation
Mellon Foundation
Judith and Burton Resnick
State of New York
$5,000,000 to $9,999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass
Nicola and Beatrice Bulgari
Citi Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Debs
The Honorable and Mrs. Felix G. Rohatyn
Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation
Lily and Edmond J. Safra
The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc.
Marge and Walter Scheuer and Family
The Starr Foundation
United States Department of Education
$2,500,000 to $4,999,999
Linda and Earle Altman
Vincent Astor Trust
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman and Edgar Bronfman, Jr
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Evnin and the A.E. Charitable Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
The Hearst Foundations
Klaus and Karin Jacobs
Martha and Robert Lipp
Leni and Peter May
Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse Jr.
Diane and William Parrett
William D. Rondina
Margaret and Ian Smith
S. Donald Sussman
The Alice Tully Foundation
Uris Brothers Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wolfensohn
$1,000,000 to $2,499,999
The Vincent Astor Foundation
Veronica Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Baruch
Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation
Ann and Kenneth Bialkin / Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
H.S. Beau Bogan and Elliot M. Friedman
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Credit Suisse
Estate of Joanne Toor Cummings
Luella and Martin Davis
Deutsche Bank
The Irene Diamond Fund, Inc.
The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation
Fomento Cultural Banamex Fund for International Education
Ford Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Getty
Jean & Jula Goldwurm Memorial Foundation
Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation
Claudia and Roberto Hernández Ramírez
Maria Olivia and Jim Judelson
Gershon Kekst, Kekst and Company, Inc.
Michael ByungJu Kim and Kyung Ah Park
Mark and Anla Cheng Kingdon Foundation
Estate of Andrea Klepetar-Fallek
Diane G. Kranz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Kravis
The Kresge Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Lundgren
Macy's and Bloomingdale's
The Marma Foundation Fund for Youth Education
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Beth and Joshua Nash
National Endowment for the Arts
Frank and Lizabeth Newman
Pepsi-Cola Company
John & Louise Reuter Trust
The Rockefeller Foundation
Phyllis and Charles Rosenthal
The Edward John and Patricia Rosenwald Foundation
Jack and Susan Rudin in memory of Lewis Rudin
Henry and Elizabeth Segerstrom
Tracy Chutorian Semler and Eric Semler
Beverly and Arthur Shorin
Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman / The Marc Haas Foundation
Henry Shweid and Margaret Munzika Shweid Trust
Sony Corporation of America & Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Jerry I. Speyer and Katherine G. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stern
John L. Tishman, The Tishman Fund for Education through Technology
Maggie and Richard Tsai
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Verizon Foundation
Alberto Vilar
Linda J. Wachner
The Weiler Fund
George and Joyce Wein Foundation
Mrs. Charles B. Wrightsman
Judy Francis Zankel
Zankel Charitable Lead Trust
Ann Ziff
Anonymous (1)
$500,000 to $999,999
American Express
Estate of Richard L. Benson
Ronald E. Blaylock and Petra Pope
Booth Ferris Foundation
The Joan and Ernest Bragin Endowment Fund
Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, Inc.
The Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust
George David
Estate of Mrs. Eugenia Doll
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dyson
Ernst & Young LLP
The Sherman Fairchild Foundation, Inc.
FleetBoston Financial
Fribourg Foundation Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Recanati
Estate of Rita L. Gluck
The Marilyn Horne Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Icahn
Carl Jacobs Foundation
Stella and Robert W. Jones
Gilbert and Lena Kaplan
The J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc.
Leslie and Thomas G. Maheras
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Lauren and J. Ezra Merkin
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Natural Heritage Trust
Mrs. Milton Petrie
The William Petschek Family
The Pew Memorial Trust
The Pincus Family Fund
The Joe Plumeri Foundation
Laura and John Pomerantz
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar de la Renta
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Suki Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter William Schweitzer
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco
The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
The Sirus Fund
Miriam Solovieff
Estate of Marie Steiner
Suntory International Corp.
Viacom Inc.
Estate of Elisabeth P. Wendell
Mary S. and John W. Zick
$250,000 to $499,999
Andersen Worldwide
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (ADP)
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Norton and Mary Belknap
CBS Inc.
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Collins
The Leonard and Sophie Davis Foundation, Inc.
Exxon Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang K. Flöttl
Genatt Associates, Inc.
Clive and Anya Gillinson
The Florence Gould Foundation
The Armand Hammer Foundation
The Heckscher Foundation for Children
IBM Corporation
Geron P. Johnson Foundation, Inc.
Addie and Tom Jones
Helen and Martin Kimmel
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
In memory of David and Nora Leseine
Bella and Leonard Linden
Sir Deryck and Lady Maughan
Betty Anne and James R. McManus
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
Rupert Murdoch
News America Publishing, Inc.
The New York Times Company Foundation, Inc.
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Paramount Communications, Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Philip Morris Companies Inc.
In memory of Martha and Eva Rautenberg
Reliance Group Holdings Inc.
Lloyd E. Rigler and Lawrence E. Deutsch
Billy Rose Foundation, Inc.
Jack and Susan Rudin Educational and Scholarship Fund
May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Darwin F. Schaub
S.H. and Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff
Esther Simon Charitable Trust
Robert E. Simon Jr.
In honor of Rudolf G. and Inger-Ma Sonneborn
Estate of Maria M. Stivelman
The Gary C. and Ethel B. Thom Fund for Piano Performance and Education
Estate of Lucien Thomson
Dan and Sheryl Tishman Family Foundation
Tishman Construction, an AECOM Company
Tobishima Associates, Ltd. - The Stanhope Hotel
United States Department of State
United Technologies Corporation / Otis Elevator
Veronis Suhler Stevenson
Vivendi Universal
Craig and Connie Weatherup
John C. Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Wien
Hyman, Mildred, Arthur and Elliot Wiener Family
Willkie Farr & Gallagher
Ivy Wu
Anonymous (1)
$100,000 to $249,999
ABD Securities Corporation
The Agvar Fund
Alcoa Foundation
ARCO Foundation
A.S.M. Mechanical Systems/Richard Minieri
Ilse and Hans J. Baer
In memory of Max and Hilde Baer
The Bank of New York
Arthur and Diane Belfer
Estate of Charlotte V. Bergen
The Siegfried and Josephine Bieber Foundation
The Blackstone Group
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Block
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. Block
The Bodman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Bogen
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Browning-Ferris Industries
The Burnett Foundation
Capital Cities / ABC, Inc.
Mary and Michael Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clapp
The Constantiner Family
The Corbett Foundation
William H. Cosby Jr.
Barbara and Richard B. Dannenberg
Evelyn Y. Davis
Evelyn Y. Davis Foundation
Deerpath Construction Corporation
Jim and Nancy Dine
Dresdner Bank North America
Drexel Burnham Lambert Foundation, Inc.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
Margot T. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Einbender
Henry, Kamran and Frederick Elghanayan
The Essex House / Nikko Hotels International
Fireman Hospitality Group
Ford Foundation
Forest Electric Corp.
Susan and Ed Forst / Forst Family Foundation
Nicholas C. Forstmann
Theodore J. Forstmann
Alan and Helene Fortunoff
Barbara W. Fox-Bordiga, In memory of Lord Bordiga
Thomas R. and Ingrid L. Frohlich Burns and Family
The L.W. Frohlich Charitable Trust
The Fuji Bank Ltd. / Fuji Bank and Trust Co.
Ira and Leonore S. Gershwin Philanthropic Trust
Howard Gilman Foundation
Edythe and Mathew Gladstein
Lewis L. Glucksman
Calla and Ralph Guild
Estates of Edward Habib and Rod McKuen
Philip and Elaina Hampton
Stanley and Alice Harris
Daniel P. Hays
Estate of Dorothy H. Hirshon
Frederick J. Iseman
ITT Corporation
Ittleson Foundation, Inc.
Peter Jennings
Frederico C. Gerdau Johannpeter
The Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Charitable Trust
Paul A. Johnston
Joanie Jones
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation, Inc.
In memory of Joseph P. Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kavesh
The Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Foundation
Beth and Michael Klein
Robert and Myra Kraft
Sallie Krawcheck and Gary Appel
Mr. and Mrs. David Lloyd Kreeger
Michael (Jack) Kugler
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Lang
Mrs. William S. Lasdon
The Lauder Foundation / Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Fund and Estée Lauder Inc.
Robert and Elaine LeBuhn
The Honorable and Mrs. Samuel J. LeFrak
Lehman Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Leir
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lese
Robert H. Lessin and Naida Wharton Lessin
Blanche and A.L. Levine and The A.L. Levine Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lindemann
Susan and Martin Lipton
A.L. and Jennie L. Luria Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Masin
William and Helen Mazer
Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc.
Morton and Marlene Meyerson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Michaelsen
Kathryn and Gilbert Miller Fund, Inc.
Minnesota Orchestral Association
Miyazaki Prefectural Arts Center
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
Nabisco Brands, Inc.
Natasha Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Murray L. Nathan
New Street Capital
The New York Community Trust
New York State Council on the Arts
Newmont Mining Corporation
Diane Allen Nixon
The Octavian Society
Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide
Pandick, Inc.
Ernest E. Pinter Family and David B. Pinter Family
Paul J. Plishner
Mr. and Mrs. Shepard P. Pollack
Polshek Partnership Architects
Republic National Bank of New York
Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Laurance S. Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rudin
Melanie and Jean E. Salata
Lisabeth E. Schaub
In memory of Mrs. Gertrude Schweitzer
Peter Jay Sharp
Ruth Collins Sharp
The Shoresh Fund
Jeanne and Herbert Siegel
Frank Sinatra
Herbert and Nell Singer
Mary Jean and Frank P. Smeal Foundation
Joan and Joel Smilow
James Thurmond Smithgall
Evelyn and Donald Spiro
Kathryn Steinberg
Seymour Sternberg / New York Life Foundation
Daniel Swarovski Corporations
In memory of Fran Taubkin
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Thomas Jr.
Laurence A. Tisch and Preston Robert Tisch
Time Warner Inc.
Miss Alice Tully
Patricia and Lawrence Weinbach / Unisys Corporation
Volvo North America Corporation
Estate of Iva Walke
Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation
Bruno Walter Memorial Foundation
S.G. Warburg
Warburg Pincus
Theodore and Renée Weiler Foundation, Inc.
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Alice Westphal Trust
A.D. Winston Corporation
David S. Winter
Witco Corporation
Chuck Prince and Peggy Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Ying-Sheung Wu
The Xerox Foundation
Mr. Uzi Zucker
Mr. Mortimer B. Zuckerman
Anonymous (2)