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Carnegie Hall Presents

Amandine Beyer
Gli Incogniti

False Consonances of Melancholy
Sunday, April 19, 2026 2 PM Weill Recital Hall
Amandine Beyer by Óscar Vásquez
“The music is bewitching and endlessly inventive, and the performances, rich in spontaneity and a sense of exploration, are wonderfully addictive,” The Guardian says of Amandine Beyer and Gli Incogniti’s False Consonances of Melancholy. The project celebrates pioneering Italian Baroque violinist-guitarist-composer Nicola Matteis, a key figure in the violin’s skyrocketing popularity in 17th-century London. With expertise and execution beyond compare, Beyer captures the unique musical traits that shifted English tastes from the popular French style to a newer, more Italian approach. Additional intrigue is found in the program’s pairing of Matteis’s works with those of his better-known English contemporary, Henry Purcell, who is believed to have been directly influenced by Matteis’s novel approaches.

Part of: Early Music in Weill Recital Hall


Amandine Beyer, Music Director and Violin
Gli Incogniti
- Alba Roca, Violin
- Baldomero Barciela, Viola da Gamba
- Francesco Romano, Theorbo and Baroque Guitar
- Anna Fontana, Harpsichord


PURCELL Trio Sonata in C Major from 12 Sonatas of Three Parts, Z. 795

MATTEIS Suite in A Minor

PURCELL Trio Sonata in A Major from 12 Sonatas of Three Parts, Z. 799

MATTEIS Suite in G Major

MATTEIS Suite in G Minor

PURCELL Selected Works

MATTEIS Suite in C Major

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