Link Up in the New York City Area

The Orchestra Rocks

Link Up guides students in grades 3–5 through a yearlong exploration of orchestral repertoire and music making. During the 2024–2025 season, New York City students will participate in a new version of The Orchestra Rocks, exploring rhythm, pulse, groove, and how it feels when the orchestra rocks. At the end of the year, students will sing and play the recorder with a professional orchestra in a culminating concert at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage. Concerts will take place on May 20, 21, and 22, 2025.

Download Teacher Guide (PDF)

Fall Professional Development Workshops

Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM–4:00 PM
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 4:30 PM–6:30 PM

Culminating Concerts

May 20–22, 2025
10:15 AM and 11:45 AM in Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall


There is a general fee of $6 per student and $30 per teacher. Participating schools may bring no more than one chaperone per 10 students, free of charge. Payment by personal check, credit card, and/or copy of certified purchase order is due by Friday, January 31, 2025.

Concert Repertoire

Repertoire Exploration

Learn fundamental concepts of music and engage in creative activities through a deeper exploration of the ideas and themes of the Link Up repertoire.

Explore Pulse

How do we use rhythmic pulse to make music rock? Students explore steady beat, tempo, and strong and weak beats as they experience the pulse that drives music.

Explore Rhythm and Groove

How do composers rock using rhythmic phrases, syncopation, and ostinato? Students explore rhythmic phrasing, syncopation, and groove in the concert repertoire.

Explore Movement and Rock

What is the role of movement and dance in music that rocks? Students discover dance forms associated with four pieces of repertoire from different eras. They also explore Orff’s “O Fortuna” through the Orff Schulwerk approach, discovering how to use movement to interpret and embody the music.

Explore Sounds that Rock

What are the sounds that make music rock? Students will explore timbre, volume, and other sound qualities that make music rock, and discover how musicians use their own individual sounds when covering an original song.

Instrument Families

A man conducts a children's orchestra and chorus on stage at Carnegie Hall
Get to Know the Orchestra
What is an orchestra? Students learn about the instruments and families of the orchestra.

Concert Experience

Children enjoy a Link Up concert in Carnegie Hall
Prepare for the Culminating Concert
How can we prepare for and reflect on our culminating concert experience with our Link Up partner orchestra? Students learn about Carnegie Hall and important landmarks in their own neighborhood, as well as prepare for and reflect on the culminating concert.

Additional Information

Fund II Foundation; Carnegie Corporation of New York
Lead support for Link Up is provided by Fund II Foundation and Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Additional funding for Link Up is provided by Linda and Earle S. Altman, The Barker Welfare Foundation, JJR Foundation, John Morning / Turrell Fund, and Joan and Sanford I. Weill and the Weill Family Foundation.
Link Up in New York City schools is made possible, in part, by an endowment gift from The Irene Diamond Fund.

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