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Lesson 2: Learning “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn”

Aim: How can we use music to tell stories?
Summary: Students will learn to sing “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn,” discuss Vietnamese rhythm, explore tonal language, and create their own Queen of the Forest.
Materials: Musical Explorers digital resources, Musical Explorers Student Guide, everyday-object percussion
Standards: National 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11; NYC 1, 2, 3, 4
Vocabulary: Melodic Contour

The title of the song “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” literally means “Queen of the Forest,” and it is a Northern Vietnamese folk song that celebrates the Queen of the Forest who rules all of the land.

In an old Vietnamese tale, the Queen of the Forest was born a princess of the Vietnamese mountain god. Beautiful, powerful, smart, and strong, the princess was chosen by the former queen to be her protégé and taught magic that enabled the princess to take care of those who suffered from sickness. The princess became a beautiful fairy who lived high in the snowcapped mountains and forests, as an immortal character, and was responsible for looking after everyone who needed help. Because of her sympathetic heart, she continues to be worshiped as a heroine, spiritual character, and mother to all.

This song is performed at ceremonies and festivals such as New Year’s celebrations, folk festivals, rituals at temple, or even at home. Wherever it is sung, people pay respect to the Queen of the Forest in between each verse by calling out words and phrases of appreciation for her support and guidance as the spiritual mother of Vietnamese civilization!

Vân-Ánh Teaches “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn”

“Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” Demonstration

Vietnamese Folk artist Vân-Ánh teaches “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn.”

Sing “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn”

  • Listen to “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” to hear the full song.
  • Learn to sing “Á a a a á à a à à a!” with “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” refrain and “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” pronunciation.
  • Learn the cheer with the cheering section in “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” cheering pronunciation.
  • Sing to “Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn” together.
Click the three dots to toggle different parts on and off.

“Cô Đôi Thượng Ngàn”


Bài sai đố triệu lục cung,
Nàng ân nàng ái vốn dòng sơn trang
Tính cô hay măng trúc măng giang

Tính tinh tình tinh tính tinh tình.
Á a a a á à a à à a!

Cô ơi, cô đẹp lắm! Cô múa nữa đi cô nhé!
Triều quang sáng tỏ lưng trời
Một mầu xuân sắc tốt tươi rườm rà
Trên ngàn xanh lắm quả nhiều hoa



Ngàn xanh lắm quả nhiều hoa
Cô đôi dạo gót vào ra sớm chiều
Chiếc lồ mây nặng trĩu lưng đeo


“Queen of the Forest”


The legend has gone on for years
The Mother Goddess is here for us
She takes care of us and is here for us

Tính tinh tình tinh tính tinh tình.
Á a a a á à a à à a!

You are beautiful! Please keep dancing and lead us with you!
The sky is lit up
Spring comes in hundreds of colors
The forest is lush with green



The forest brings so many fruits and flowers
Mother Goddess walks around with a basket of food
She comes and gives us life


Creative Extension

Draw Your Own Queen Forest

Image Credits

Hanoi (night) by Douglas Peebles Photography / Alamy Stock Photo

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