NYO-USA Audition Video Guidelines

Your audition video is a key element of your application to NYO-USA and/or NYO2. If you do not have access to recording equipment or space with a piano needed to make an audition video, you may wish to ask if your teacher, school, or orchestra/ensemble program is able to help you fulfill this portion of your application. Should you need additional assistance, please contact Carnegie Hall staff at nyo-usa@carnegiehall.org or nyo2@carnegiehall.org. We will be happy to work with you to ensure that you have the opportunity to successfully record your audition. For questions about uploading videos, Acceptd offers technical support that you can access at any time while signed in to the NYO-USA or NYO2 application.

Helpful Tips

Where possible, we encourage you to keep the following in mind when making the recording.

  1. Consider lighting, framing, and camera placement. Film in a well-lit space and be sure that there is more lighting in front of you (than behind you). Place the camera so that you, your instrument, and your full range of motion are in the frame at all times. If you are a wind or brass player, please make sure you are not hidden behind the music stand. Your instrument and hands should be visible, and we should also be able to see both you and your pianist during the accompanied work, if applicable. Choose a medium distance that shows as much detail as possible, while still allowing the image to be framed as described above.
  2. Try to place the camera on a tripod or flat surface when shooting.
  3. Test the audio level so that there is no distortion during the loudest passages of your selections, while also making sure that the softest portions can still be heard. If possible, consider using an external microphone connected to your camera to record your playing and speaking.
  4. Prior to recording your audition video, clean and/or adjust your instrument to be sure it is in the best possible condition. You may wish to ask your music teacher or a professional repair person to look at your instrument to assist with any necessary adjustments.
  5. While it is not necessary to use a grand piano for the accompanied segment, please be sure the instrument is in good tune before recording.
  6. Other than stopping and starting the camera between segments, no editing of the audio or video is permitted. Applicants whose videos show evidence of any cuts, splicing, manipulation of pitch, or other alteration within a performance segment will be subject to disqualification. Please note the selection of a complete, unedited performance segment from multiple takes is permissible.
  7. You will be uploading your video files using our online application service (Acceptd). The following common digital formats are accepted. File sizes up to 5 GB are accepted. We recommend using a format and resolution that is consistent with high-quality internet video.
  8. For ease of recording and uploading, we recommend recording your audition video in segments, which should be uploaded as individual files according to the instructions found within the application. The required segments can be found here: NYO-USA Audition Requirements.
Lead Donors: Hope and Robert F. Smith; The Kovner Foundation; and Beatrice Santo Domingo.
Global Ambassadors: Michael ByungJu Kim and Kyung Ah Park, Hope and Robert F. Smith, and Maggie and Richard Tsai.
Pershing Square Foundation
Major funding has been provided by Ronald E. Blaylock and Petra Pope, Lorraine Buch Fund for Young Artists, Clive and Anya Gillinson, Pershing Square Philanthropies, Melanie and Jean E. Salata, JMCMRJ Sorrell Foundation, and the Victor and William Fung Foundation.
United Airlines
United Airlines®, Airline Partner to the National Youth Ensembles.
Additional funding has been provided by the Sarah Arison, The Jack Benny Family Foundation, and Mary I. and John E. Hull.
Blavatnik Family Foundation
Founder Patrons; Blavatnik Family Foundation; Nicola and Beatrice Bulgari; The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation; Marina Kellen French and the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation; The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Family Foundation; Ronald O. Perelman; Robertson Foundation; Beatrice Santo Domingo; Hope and Robert F. Smith; Sarah Billinghurst Solomon and Howard Solomon; and Joan and Sanford I. Weill and the Weill Family Foundation.

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