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Presented by YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Chana Mlotek: Celebrating a Life of Yiddish Song
Thursday, March 23, 2023
7 PM
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Chana Mlotek
Musicologist, song collector, and writer Chana Mlotek played a key role in crafting the historical memory of Yiddish music in our time. Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer called Mlotek and her husband, Yosl, the “Sherlock Holmeses of Yiddish folk songs” for their work uncovering the origins and history of Yiddish music, which they published in more than 40 years of columns in the Yiddish newspaper The Forward. Through a collection of popular song books, Chana made hundreds of Yiddish songs accessible to a broad audience of musicians. Join YIVO Institute for Jewish Research for an evening of Yiddish music that celebrates Chana’s memory. Performances feature Chana’s son Zalmen Mlotek as pianist and music director; grandchildren Avram, Elisha, and Missy Mlotek; and other special guests.
Part of: Women in Music
Free with RSVP
Venue Information
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research at the Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street | Manhattan