Grades 3–5

3rd Grade

Composing in Simple and Compound Meters

Students compose and notate short rhythms in 4/4, 3/4, and 6/8 meters across multiple class periods.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Rhythm & Meter, Form
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

Goldilocks Sings

Students explore healthy posture through storytelling and observation.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Singing
Artistic Process: Performing, Responding

Musical Mapping

Students explore first and second endings by singing and moving.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Form
Artistic Process: Responding

Score on the Floor

Students explore absolute pitch through movement and games.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Creating, Responding

The Language of Rhythm

Students explore and create rhythms through language and body percussion.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Rhythm & Meter
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Comparing Different Versions of a Known Song

Students create different versions of a known song and listen to contrasting recordings for musical differences and similarities.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Tempo, Dynamics, Articulation, Singing
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

4th Grade

Composing a Melody

Students compose and notate short melodies using their names.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Rhythm & Meter, Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

Exploring String Techniques

Students explore expressive qualities through various string techniques.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Articulation, Instrumental
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

Listening for Contrasts in Genre

Students create arrangements of a melody and listen to recordings contrasting in style and genre.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Tempo, Dynamics, Articulation
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Musical Tension and Release

Students learn to identify tension and release within a piece of music.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Tempo
Artistic Process: Performing, Responding

Quartet Chief

Students form quartets to explore roles in an ensemble.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Form
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Identifying Accents in Music

Students use language and movement to explore accents in music.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Articulation
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

5th Grade

Exploring Historical and Cultural Connections to the Guitar

Students explore the sound, evolution, performance techniques, and culture of guitar-like instruments from around the world.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Tempo, Dynamics, Articulation, Instrumental
Artistic Process: Responding, Connecting

Improvising with Brazilian Samba

Students use samba rhythms and percussion to improvise in rondo form.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Rhythm & Meter, Form
Artistic Process: Responding, Connecting

Rhythms from Around the World

Students explore a variety of rhythms from around the world.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Rhythm & Meter
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding, Connecting

Theme and Variation

Students explore different ways to change a simple sentence and melody to understand the concept of theme and variation.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Form
Artistic Process: Creating, Responding

We’ve Got the Blues

By listening to and looking at the qualities of various scales, students learn to identify the differences between the major, minor, and blues scales.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Summative Assessments

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