
Telling a Story with Music

Students use pitch to explore the characters in a story.

Grade: Kindergarten
Concept: Form, Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Responding, Connecting

Moving Melodies

Students sing and identify melodic contours.

Grade: Kindergarten
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Responding

Melodic Contour

Students create and perform melodic contours.

Grade: 1st
Concept: Pitch, Singing
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Staff Hopscotch

Students explore relative pitch through listening and movement.

Grade: 2nd
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Responding

Using Our Voices to Improvise

Students create nonsense syllables and improvise on a familiar or created melody.

Grade: 2nd
Concept: Pitch, Singing
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

Score on the Floor

Students explore absolute pitch through movement and games.

Grade: 3rd
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Creating, Responding

Composing a Melody

Students compose and notate short melodies using their names.

Grade: 4th
Concept: Rhythm & Meter, Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating

We’ve Got the Blues

By listening to and looking at the qualities of various scales, students learn to identify the differences between the major, minor, and blues scales.

Grade: 5th
Concept: Pitch
Artistic Process: Performing, Creating, Responding

Formative Assessments

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