Past Projects

Explore Carnegie Hall’s past special projects and performances, which have featured program participants from across the Weill Music Institute as performers and songwriters alongside inspiring featured artists.

NeON Arts

NeON Arts offered young people in seven New York City communities the chance to explore the arts through a variety of creative projects that helped them establish positive peer relationships and develop important social and career skills.


In education and social impact programs created by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute (WMI), young musicians, teachers, and creators from New York City and across the US explored the infinite possibilities of Afrofuturism throughout the Hall’s 2021–2022 season as part of the Hall’s citywide festival.

All Together: A Global Ode to Joy

Led by visionary conductor Marin Alsop, All Together: A Global Ode to Joy reimagined Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony as a 21st-century call for unity, justice, and empowerment.

Soul Mechanism: A Concert Celebrating the Music of Migration

Soul Mechanism was part of Carnegie Hall’s festival Migrations: The Making of America.

A Time Like This: Music for Change

A Time Like This: Music for Change was part of Carnegie Hall’s festival The ’60s: The Years that Changed America.

The Somewhere Project: A Citywide Exploration of West Side Story

The Somewhere Project was a sprawling citywide exploration of West Side Story in honor of the Hall’s 125th anniversary.

Reflections on Resilience

Explore music as storytelling for K–12 students studying instrumental music. This project is a collaboration between PUBLIQuartet and PlayUSA.

Create Justice

Create Justice brought together a diverse group of national thought leaders to share ideas and work side-by-side to leverage the power of the arts for youth justice and reform.


We thank our many generous supporters of the education and social impact programs created by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute.

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