Link Up
Students in grades 3–5 are given the opportunity to join the orchestra in this highly participatory program, in which they learn to sing and play an instrument in the classroom and perform with a professional orchestra from their seats at a culminating concert at Carnegie Hall. During the 2024–2025 season, NYC students will participate in The Orchestra Rocks.
Orchestras across the country and around the world are also taking part in Link Up. Partner orchestras can utilize any of the program materials—including teacher guides, student materials, concert scripts, and concert visuals—in their own communities.
Grades: 3–5
Available for Educators: NYC, Nationally, and Internationally
Partnership Opportunities: Elementary Schools, Orchestras
Season: School Year
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2024–2025 Link Up Partners
Carnegie Hall’s Link Up partners with more than 100 orchestras in the US and around the globe in countries that include Canada, China, Japan, Kenya, Dominican Republic, New Zealand, and Spain, and the United Kingdom. Check out our current partners.