Ensemble Connect School Partnerships

Ensemble Connect partners with 14 New York City public schools across the five boroughs. Each fellow is paired with an instrumental music teacher for a residency that includes 25 days throughout the course of the year. Fellows serve as musical resources and bring mastery of their instruments, as well as a professional performer’s perspective, to music classrooms. They work in collaboration with their partner teachers to strengthen students’ musical skills through a tailored and creativity-rich approach.

Current Partner Schools

Ensemble Connect partners with New York City public elementary, middle, and high schools across the five boroughs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read our frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not answered, please reach out to info@ensembleconnect.org.

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Ensemble Connect is a program of Carnegie Hall, The Juilliard School, and the Weill Music Institute in partnership with the New York City Department of Education.
Lead funding has been provided by Max H. Gluck Foundation, the Hearst Foundations, The Kovner Foundation, Phyllis and Charles Rosenthal, The Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, Beatrice Santo Domingo, and Hope and Robert F. Smith.
Global Ambassadors: Michael ByungJu Kim and Kyung Ah Park, Hope and Robert F. Smith, and Maggie and Richard Tsai.
Additional support has been provided by the Kathi and Peter Arnow Foundation, Ronald E. Blaylock and Petra Pope, E.H.A. Foundation, Barbara G. Fleischman, Clive and Anya Gillinson, Stella and Robert Jones, Martha and Robert Lipp, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Susan and Elihu Rose Foundation, Melanie and Jean E. Salata, The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund, Sarah Billinghurst Solomon and Howard Solomon, Carlos Tome and Theresa Kim, and David S. Winter.
NYC Department of Education
Public support is provided by the New York City Department of Education.
Ensemble Connect is also supported, in part, by endowment grants from The Kovner Foundation and the Estate of Eleanor Doblin Unger.

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