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Catherine Boyack


A versatile and in-demand musician and educator, flutist Catherine Winters Boyack enjoys a dynamic performance career in New York City. Semifinalist in the prestigious Kobe International Flute Competition in 2021, Catherine was the first-prize winner of the National Flute Association’s Young Artist Competition. She has performed with the Metropolitan Opera, Juilliard Orchestra, New Haven Symphony, contemporary ensemble AXIOM, and the New Juilliard Ensemble. As a soloist, she has appeared with the Lake Forest Symphony, AXIOM, and the Utah Symphony. She is a co-founder of the newly formed flute and percussion ensemble Coriolis Duo. Her newest project, On Reclaiming, centers conversations around mental and emotional health in a large-scale, interdisciplinary commission for solo flute. Deeply devoted to music education, Catherine has led master classes at the Flute Center of New York, Northern California Flute Camp, Sacramento Flute Club, and Utah Flute Association. A faculty member at Northern California Flute Camp, she is a Haynes Young Artist and plays a Weissman model 14K custom flute. She earned her master’s degree in flute performance from The Juilliard School in 2022 and was awarded Juilliard’s Benzaquen Career Advancement Grant. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University. As part of her fellowship with Ensemble Connect, Catherine teaches at Scholars’ Academy in Queens.

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