The Orchestra Moves

By any definition, music moves. As organized sound, music moves through time and space from high to low, creating patterns and motifs. Composers and performers use expressive qualities to move us emotionally. Music also compels us to move physically and is embodied in many kinds of dance. Using Orff Schulwerk strategies and complementary creative movement activities, we will discover all the interwoven ways in which the orchestra moves.

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Concert Repertoire

Repertoire Exploration

Learn fundamental concepts of music and engage in creative activities through a deeper exploration of the ideas and themes of the Link Up repertoire.

Explore Meter in Music and Movement

How is meter embodied in music and movement?

Explore Patterns and Motifs in Music and Movement

How can the development of patterns and motifs create movement in music and dance?

Explore Expressive Qualities in Music and Movement

How can we use expressive qualities in music and movement to communicate feelings and emotions?

Explore Dance Forms

Discover how movement is embodied in dance forms from different cultures and traditions.

Professional Development Videos

Vocal and Body Warm Ups

Instrument Families

A Link Up concert at Carnegie Hall
Get to Know the Orchestra
What is an orchestra? Students learn about the instruments and families of the orchestra.

Concert Experience

Children enjoy a Link Up concert in Carnegie Hall
Prepare for the Culminating Concert
How can we prepare for and reflect on our culminating concert experience with our Link Up partner orchestra? Students learn about Carnegie Hall and important landmarks in their own neighborhood, as well as prepare for and reflect on the culminating concert.

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