Link Up
Repertoire: Singing, Movement
Languages: Spanish, English
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Está solo, llorando
En silencio, en la oscuridad
Está soñando, deseando
Con esperanza, por la oportunidad
Escúchalos, escúchalos, ellos te llaman
Escúchalos, míralos
Escucha lo que tratan de decir
Están en búsqueda del camino
Pequeñas voces llamándote
All alone, in the darkness
They are crying out for your help
They are hoping, they are dreaming
They are asking for a chance to be heard
Are you listening, can you hear their cries
They are watching, they are listening
They are searching to find their way
Can you see them, can you hear them calling
What their voices are trying to say
Repertoire Exploration
Learn fundamental concepts of music and engage in creative activities through a deeper exploration of the ideas and themes of the Link Up repertoire.